Thursday, September 18, 2008


What's this?

Our Government at work?

Do we really need this type of Government?

Watch this and weep -

-- or better yet write your Congress person !

Tell them what you think of such wasted effort !



Anonymous said...

I do not think it is right to use tax payer money to "bail out" these privae institutions !!!the top management, CEO, CFO, etc end up with severance packages worth millions...and for what..? for driving a business into the ground, for mis-management, for bull-shit speculations, this is criminal and should be treated as such...everyone of these azzholes should serve hard time for fraud. No wonder the US Government and economy is in such a bad state...we have ignorant, self-serving congressmen and senators who are absolute embiciles !!!!! God bless the USA...we sure need it....

Anonymous said...

I do not think it is right for the American taxpayer to be responsible for these private institution "bail outs" !!! if we as individual's screw up like these CEO's and other management personnel do we are left to fend for ourselves and suffer...and to add insult to injury is that these bastards leave these failed institutions with multi-million dollar severance packages !!! you can sure tell whose side the "Government" is on..this is criminal and the azzholes should not be rewarded, but do hard time for the fradulant, mis-managed criminal activity that has gotten us into this mess...and shame on our elected officials...we are acting like a third world's enough !!!!!